Family appeals to superior judiciary to take notice of Sheikh Rashid’s arrest

RAWALPINDI (hrnw) – Twenty-four hours after his arrest, former interior minister Sheikh Rashid has not been produced in any court, his nephew Sheikh Rashid Shafiq stated Monday, requesting the chief justices of the Supreme Court and the Lahore High Court (LHC) to take an immediate notice of the incident.

Using the social networking platform X (formerly Twitter), Shafiq stated that the current whereabouts of Sheikh Rashid, his elder brother Sheikh Shakir, staff member Sheikh Imran and driver Sajjad have not been disclosed.

“More than 24 hours have passed, and former federal interior minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed has not been brought before any local court, nor has there been any information provided about my elder brother Sheikh Shakir, staff member Sheikh Imran, and driver Sajjad through our advocates Sardar Abdul Razzaq and Sardar Shahbaz,” he wrote in his initial post.

In another tweet, Shafiq mentioned that a writ petition has been filed with the Lahore High Court and emphasized that if any case has been registered against Sheikh Rashid, it should be presented in court as soon as possible.

“A writ petition has been submitted to the Lahore High Court, and it has been scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday. Both Sheikh Rashid and I are prepared to abide by the law. If there is any case registered against former interior minister Sheikh Rashid, it should be promptly brought before the court,” he wrote in his second tweet.