SFA Action In Korangi, Fake Juice and Fake Mineral Water Manufacturing Factory Caught

Karachi (HRNW)  Sindh Food Authority team have conducted a big operation under the supervision of Director General Sindh Food Authority Agha Fakhar Hussain in Korangi area. During the operation, a factory/warehouse manufacturing fake juice and fake mineral water was caught. A large number of fake juice packets and fake mineral water bottles were recovered from the factory / warehouse.

Sindh Food Authority team disposed of all fake juice packets and  mineral water bottles on the spot. On the occasion of the operation, the local police was also accompanied by the team of Sindh Food Authority.

Talking on this occasion, Director General Sindh Food Authority Agha Fakhar Hussain said that Indiscriminate action is being taken against the sellers of adulterated food items. Trying to ensure supply of adulterated free food items during Ramadan ul Mubarak. He warned the sellers of adulterated food items to keep themselves away from their activities otherwise strict action would be taken against them under Sindh Food Authority Act.