Training Programs are essential for capacity building of staff members. DG SFA

Karachi (HRNW)- Sindh and Balochistan officials have been recognized for commitment to food safety standards. In a ceremony organized by the International Trade Centre (ITC) of the European Union at a local Hotel to award certificates to Sindh and Balochistan Food Authorities gathered for those who have completed an ISO 17025 training program.

On this occasion DG Sindh Food Authority Agha Fakhur Hussain distributed the certificates among the participants, including Arif Shah Kakar DG Agriculture Balochistan, Director NCEAC Sindh University Jamshoro, Prof. Dr. Syed Tufail Hussain Shah, Mrs. Benazir, Director Agriculture Extension Sindh, Dr. Ahmad Ali Shaikh, Director Technical SFA, Naqeebullah, DD Finance BFA and other lab staff from BFA and SFA, alongside Trainer Dr. Suhail Shaukat, Senior Scientific Officer, PCSIR and Dr. Omer Tarar.
Expressing gratitude, DG SFA Agha Fakhar Hussain highlighted the program’s importance in ensuring adherence to international standards for laboratory testing and calibration.

The event concluded with heartfelt thanks to the ITC for their instrumental role in organizing the program and fostering collaboration to bolster food safety measures in the region.